Sometimes when you go to stay somewhere, you get the rules – please do this, please don’t do that. That’s important, and we have some too (at right) but we would like to explain our values – why we do what we do, what it means to us, and by doing so we hope that you will enjoy your stay more and respect the space appropriately because of those values.

We aim for the highest quality of service and want to get better at what we do and how we live. We think we should learn from those who visit us. We believe that by being open to new perspectives we can all live extraordinary lives. We invite you to give us your feedback, and we will share the feedback we receive on our website.

We think it is important to do as much as we can with and for the local community. The whole idea of restoring the Old Blacksmiths was to tidy up the site and bring back some of the history. The design and construction were all done by local people. We do our marketing through local businesses and organizations. We encourage you to buy the wonderful local produce that is available and to enjoy and respect the beautiful natural environment.

We also believe that we are part of a diverse, global community. For us that means welcoming people from all faiths, cultures and orientations to stay in our property and asking you to consider your impact on the environment in terms of water-use, recycling, and energy consumption.

At the Old Blacksmith’s, you will find many pictures, books and objects from different parts of the world and in the local area you will find many exhibitions, festivals and performances throughout the year. We think that it is one of the features that makes our business more interesting and believe that being inspired by creativity in others can help each of us find our extraordinary self.


And now for the rules! We ask you not to smoke in the house; to be careful with the fireplace and use the fireguard; to make sure you lock the house and close the downstairs windows when you go out; and to leave the house as you found it. If something is missing, or gets broken during your stay, please let us know.

The Old Blacksmiths
7 Digby Street
Gatehouse of Fleet

For further information, or to check availability or make a booking:
Click here



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